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Picking your weapon

Open up your console with tilde key (~) and type in "mpcheat class X". Replace X with any of the letters below to get that corresponding weapon. Examples: "mpcheat class ar" will give you the SAW, "mpcheat class d" will give you the SOPMOD M4A1 (SF). Some weapons don't have what you need - grenades, breacher, etc. so be familiar with them.

To change in a hurry I recommend using a keybind. You can do it ingame or you can place a .txt file in your system folder with the corresponding execute command to do so. Make sure you know what keys do what so you don't override an important game command key. Make a backup of your user.ini first. If you need help with this let me know.

Weapon Letters

AK-47 - ak

AK-47 w/grenade launcher - gp

AK-74SU - ak74su

AT4 Rocket Launcher - at4

Dragunov sniper rifle svd

M16A2 - r

M16A2 w/ M203 - g

M24 sniper rifle - s24

M249 (SAW) - ar

M4A1 - m4a1

M82 sniper rifle s

M9 Pistol - m9

Mosin-Nagant sniper rifle - mos

RPG launcher - rpg

RPK assault rifle - rpk

Shotgun - b

SOPMOD M4A1 - m4m


SOPMOD M4A1 - sf

Special Purpose Rifle - spr

VSS Vintorez sniper rifle - v

AT4 Anti Armor rocket - at4

M9 Pistol - m9

Opfor Vintorez - vss

Rocket propelled grenade - rpg

Special Forces M4 - sf

Special Forces Sniper - spr

Date / Time


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