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Game installation Instructions

Here is what you'll need to install and run America's Army 2.8.5. Some steps may seem puzzling but since this version is basically obsolete and there are no authorization servers, they are necessary. If you find errors please let me know.

You can get the files needed to install America's Army 2.8.5 here: INSTALLATION FILES

Download them and install them in this order:

***You MUST right click and choose Run As Administrator on each one. Even if you're logged in as admin.***

1. 2.8.3 Full install - after this one is installed you should have the game icon on your desktop. Go ahead and launch it to make sure it works. Do NOT input any information into the game. Then exit.

2. 2.8.3 to - run it. No need to launch the game.

3. to 2.8.4 - run it. No need to launch the game.

4. 2.8.4 to 2.8.5 - run it. ***Read the rest of this post before you launch the game.***

**When you first launch the game once you have it to 2.8.5 let it run through the opening to the login screen. Just above and right of the login make sure it says Game Client v2.8.5. Don't get ahead of me here, it's important to do these next steps in this order to configure your user.ini file.

1. In the playername box enter the name you want to be in game. If you want to include a clan tag you may do so.
2. NO NEED TO ENTER A PASSWORD. There are no authorization servers - it just doesn't matter.
3. Click on Remember Login.
4. DO NOT click on Automatically Login.
5. Click on the Login button. It will now try to log you in. It will fail, we want it to. When the fail message appears, click on ok.
6. Click on LAN Play. It will try to find servers, it will fail, we want it to. When the fail message appears, click on ok.
7. Open the console by pressing your tilde key (~). Then type (without the quotes)
and press enter. It should load into the server and you can join and play.

**After you do the above steps the first time, you do not have to do them again unless you want to change your playername. You can now simply launch the game, let it go through the opening (logo with music) then just open console (~) and type in the above.

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